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HOMOEOPATHY is the alternative system of medicine founded by DR. SAMUEL HAHNEMANN. It is based on the principle of “similia similibus curentur” which means like cures like or “let likes be treated by likes”. Homoeopathy helps in curing the patient by medicines that possess the power of producing similar symptoms natural disease. Homoeopathy treats the patients through holistic as well as individualistic characteristics of the person.
Homoeopathic medicines are prepared from traces of animal, plant, mineral and other natural substances, by a standard method called dynamisation or potentisation, which comprises of successive dilutions and succussions to raise the inherent curative power of the drugs to maximum. The medicines thus prepared through ‘potentisation’, attain the enhanced curative property to heal and reduces its toxic effects to negligible or no toxic effects. The medicines are usually proved in healthy human beings, to ascertain their curative properties.
There is existence of a regulating force (Vital Force) in the organism, which plays a vital role during health, disease and cure. The symptoms are produced as a result of the body’s natural reaction to the illness , which help to find a remedy against the illness. The homeopathic remedies work by stimulating the body’s defense mechanism to correct itself naturally. We perceives all the derangements at physical and mental levels of the patient, brings about conceptual image of the patient through totality of symptoms and selects the medicine, which is most similar to the picture of the patient. Thus you can also say that we treat the patient as a whole and not only the disease.

Why homoeopathic treatment?
1. cost effective
2.palatable (easy to take, can be administered easily)
3. no adverse side effects.
4. depending on the case, medicines can be prescribed on the basis of symptoms of the patients, without depending upon thedifficult and costly diagnostic procedures. is useful in treatment of psychosomatic disorders, autoimmune diseases, geriatric and pediatric disorders, ailments during pregnancy, obstinate skin diseases, life style disorders and allergies, etc. improves the quality of life in incurable chronic diseases like cancer, HIV/AIDS, terminally ill patients and incapacitating diseases like rheumatoid arthritis, etc.
7.its popularity is gaining momentum, all over the world
8. it is recogonised by govt of india.

SIDE-EFFECTS OF HOMOEOPATHY: There is no side effect of homoeopathic medicines. But be cautious don’t take any medicine without consulting your physician.


1.Homoeopathy took roots in India in 1839 when Dr. John Martin Honigberger successfully treated Maharaja Ranjit Singh for the paralysis of Vocal Cords. He became popular for the cholera and called as cholera doctor.
2. In 1937, the Central Legislative Assembly resolved, “That this Assembly recommends to the Governor General in Council that he may be pleased to introduce Homoeopathic treatment in government hospitals and give homoeopathic colleges in India the same status and recognition as in the case of allopathic colleges.
3. In 1973, the Parliament passed the Homoeopathy Central Council Act for regulating homoeopathic education and practice in the country. Since then, it has grown as a National System of Medicine and enjoys Government’s support at national and state levels.
4. Thus, India has become the world leader in Homoeopathy with tremendous potential of manpower and institutions

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