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If you are suffering from attacks of rotational vertigo, hearing loss, or hearing noises in your ear (tinnitus) and sense of fullness or pressure in one or both the ears , you might be suffering from meniere’s disease. What is meniere’s disease? It is also known as endolymphatic  hydrops. It is a chronic disorder of the inner ear that can affect hearing and balance to a varying degree.The inner ear contains tubes filled with fluid called “labyrinths.” The inner ear is responsible for your balance, as well as hearing. It is characterized by episodes of vertigo, low-pitched tinnitus (hearing noises), and hearing loss. The hearing loss is fluctuating rather than permanent, meaning that it comes and goes, alternating between ears for some time, then becomes permanent with no return to normal function. Ménière’s often begins with one symptom, and gradually progress. Following four are the classic symptoms of Meniere’s Disease.

  • Attacks of rotational vertigocan be severe, incapacitating, unpredictable, and last anywhere from minutes to hours, but generally no longer than 24 hours.
  • Nausea, vomiting and sweating sometimes accompany vertigo, but are symptoms of vertigo, and not of Ménière’s.
  • Fluctuating, progressive, unilateral (in one ear) or bilateral (in both ears) hearing loss , usually in lower frequencies. For some, sounds can appear tinny or distorted, and patients can experience unusual sensitivity to noises .
  • Unilateral or bilateral tinnitus.
  • sensation of fullness or pressurein one or both ears.

A typical episode might start with a feeling of fullness in your ear, increasing tinnitus and decreasing hearing followed by severe vertigo, often accompanied by nausea and vomiting. Such an episode might last 20 minutes to four hours, after which signs and symptoms improve. Episodes often occur in clusters, with long periods of mild or no symptoms (remission) between.

There is an increased prevalence of migraine in patients with Ménière’s disease, with some clinical samples showing about one third of patients experiencing migraines. An association with familial history of vestibular migraine has also been demonstrated.

Meniere’s disease is an idiopathic disease. Scientists have proposed a number of potential causes or triggers, including:

  • Improper fluid drainage, perhaps because of a blockage or anatomic abnormality
  • Abnormal immune response
  • Allergies
  • Viral infection
  • Genetic predisposition
  • Head trauma
  • Migraine

ENVIRONMENTAL AND DIETARY FACTORS: Several environmental and dietary changes are thought to reduce the frequency or severity of symptom outbreaks. It is believed that since high salt diets cause water retention, it can lead to an increase (or at least preventing the decrease) of fluid within the inner ear, although the relationship between salt and the inner ear is not fully understood. High-salt intake is thought to alter the concentrations of fluid in the inner ear and Meniere’s episodes could be accelerated by high-salt binges. Recommended salt intake is often around one to two grams per day.

Patient’s should avoid alcohol, caffeine, and tobacco, all of which can aggravate symptoms of Meniere’s disease.

Homoeopathic medicines like china sulph, theridion and phos have helped me a lot in treating cases of meniere’s disease with great success. If the symptoms are not so severe and if indicated homoeopathically, these medicines can cure while in severe cases these medicines can help in relieving the symptoms.

Amongst these China sulph is my favourite as I have treated lots of patients with this remedy. It is indicated when there is periodicity of attacks. Patient suffers from tinnitus along with vertigo. There is roaring in either one or both the ears chiefly it affects left ear. There is heaviness in ears. There is sudden onset of vertigo and patient may fall down on standing due to loss of balance.

Theridion is indicated when vertigo comes on least motion and patient also suffers from nausea and vomiting. There is vertigo on closing the eyes or while travelling along with heaviness in one or both the ears and tinnitus. Patient feels discomfort on hearing sudden loud noise.

Phosphorus is indicated when there is partial or total hearing loss and sounds echo in ears. All the sound may produce an echoing effect. There may be an associated past history of typhoid following which patient experience tinnitus. There is gradual hearing loss. There is vomiting as soon as water get warm in stomach. It is indicated in lean , thin, tall stoop shouldered patients. There is both physical and mental restlessness.





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