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What is polycstic ovarian syndrome? It is a common endocrine system disorder in which female hormones like oestrogen and progesterone are imbalanced causing enlargement of ovaries with small cysts on the outer edges. It is one of the leading causes for infertility in women. It is a health problem that affects one in 10 women of child bearing age.

What happens in PCOs? In a normal female, ovaries make a very little amount of male hormones (androgens). But in PCOs it starts making more amount of androgens causing hormonal imbalance which in turn can stop ovulation resulting in symptoms like acne, menstrual troubles, facial hairs, body hairs etc.

CAUSE: Exact cause is not known. However, family history is seen in many cases, if any one in your family either or form maternal or from paternal side has irregular periods than there are more chances of developing it. Excess insulin levels may also cause increase in androgens level leading to polycystic ovaries.

Symptoms: symptoms of PCOs mostly develop shortly after puberty, but it can also develop during early adulthood or later teenage.

  1. Female develop menstrual irregularities like delayed menses or scanty menses, some may have no bleeding (amenorrhoea) while some can also have heavy menses.
  2. Obesity or weight gain
  3. Facial hair growth and extra hairs on body
  4. Difficult pregnancy- it may also cause infertility
  5. Acne
  6. Hoarseness of voice
  7. Decrease in breast size
  8. Depression

Homeopathic treatment for PCOs is safe and have no side effects. However, homoeopathic medicine for PCOs vary from case to case as it is prescribed on the basis of totality of symptoms which can be achieved after a thorough case taking. Overhere, I am giving few medicines which helped me in treating patients with PCOs.

PULSATILLA ranks top when there is polycstic ovaries with suppressed menses. Menses are delayed and scanty, flow is less. it is indicated esp for young girls who develop symptoms during puberty. It is indicated to mild, yielding, gentle lady.

SEPIA is also best suited for those females with PCOs whose menses are late and scanty along with bearing down pain in pelvis and back. There is marked mental irritability.

CALCAREA CARB works well in obese females who tends to gain weight and periods are prolonged and profuse. While GRAPHITES works well in obese over weight females whose periods are too late and too scanty. There is tearing pain in abdomen and hardness is felt in ovarian region.

LACHESIS works well when menses are scanty late and flow is feeble and all the complaints are better with the menstrual flow. Pains are left sided.

NATRUM MUR is indicated when the menstrual flow is suppressed and female is unable to conceive due to PCOs.

THUJA is one of the best remedies for cystic ovaries especially when cysts are confined to left ovary. There is unusual hair growth. It helps in treating unwanted growth and it helps in resolving ovarian cysts.

SENECIO works well when patient feels menses are about to come ; there is heaviness in abdomen and breast, pain in pelvis, nausea but menstrual flow is absent.

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