Epilepsy is a chronic disorder in which nerve cell activity in the brain is disturbed, causing unprovoked, recurrent seizures which is the hallmark of epilepsy. A seizure is a sudden rush of electrical activity in the brain. Epilepsy is a spectrum condition with a wide range of seizure types and control varying from person-to-person.
There are two main types of seizures.
- Generalized seizures : affect the whole brain.
- Focal, or partial seizures: affect just one part of the brain.
Epilepsy may occur as a result of a genetic disorder or an acquired brain injury, such as a trauma or stroke. There are several reasons for seizures like high fever, head trauma, very low blood sugar, alcohol withdrawal. A mild seizure may be difficult to recognize as it last a few seconds during which patient lack awareness. While, in Strong seizures there is spasms and uncontrollable muscle twitches that can last a few seconds to several minutes. Some people become confused or lose consciousness during. Afterward patient may have no memory of it happening.
SYMPTOMS: Seizures are the main symptom of epilepsy.
- Focal or partial seizures: A simple partial seizuredoesn’t involve loss of consciousness. There is alteres sense of taste, smell, sight, hearing, or touch. Also there may be dizziness, tingling and twitching of limbs.
- Complex partial seizures: loss of awareness or consciousness. Patient stares blankly, unresponsive and perform repetitive movements.
- Generalized seizures involve the whole brain. Types of generalized seizures:
Absence seizures (petit mal seizures) cause a blank stare. There may be repetitive movements like lip smacking or blinking. There is also usually a short loss of awareness.
Tonic seizures cause muscle stiffness.
Atonic seizures lead to loss of muscle control and can make you fall down suddenly.
Clonic seizures are characterized by repeated, jerky muscle movements of the face, neck, and arms.
Myoclonic seizures cause spontaneous quick twitching of the arms and legs.
Tonic-clonic seizures also called “grand mal seizures.” It represents by stiffening of the body, shaking of body, involuntary urine and stools, tongue biting, loss of consciousness.
OENANTHE CROCATA: There is sudden and complete loss of consciousness; swollen livid face; frothing at the mouth; dilated or irregular pupils; convulsions with locked jaws and cold exremities.
ARTEMISIA VULGARIS: it is best suited for petit mal seizures or absence seizure. There is absence of aura. There is frequent and short duration seizures. There is repetitive movements.
STRAMONIUM: Works well when there is epileptic attack on exposure to bright light or shining objects. Patient is conscious and there is jerking of muscles of upper body part.
CICUTA: works well when there is violent epileptic attack causing distortion of the body. There is locked jaw and face becomes blue. Patient acquires opisthotonus position which is represented by bending of spine backwards, with head and heels touching the ground. Patient is unconscious. It is best suited for epilepsy after head injury. Cicuta works well for convulsive attacks in children during dentition and women during and after delivery. Also, hypericum and natrum sulph also show good results in epileptic attacks due to head injury.
CUPRUM MET: works well when there is aura. Symptoms beging from toe and than extending to whole body. Anger and fright triggers the epileptic attack. There is jerking of muscles. It is best suited for females who have epileptic attacks during periods, during and after pregnancy.
HYOSCYAMUS: there is epileptic attack followed by deep sleep. There is twitching of muscles.
BUFO RANA: is indicated when there is epileptic attack during sleep. Aura is felt in genital organs.